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  • Writer's pictureJ


At the end of 2020 my wife and I decided to take the plunge and move our little family from SW London to Hemel Hampstead. As foodies, our immediate questions were about finding new places to eat in our new home (and how on earth people here cope with the bins being collected only every two weeks!).

This website is our foodie journey as we live in Hemel; J - a food lover and devourer of just about anything- and C - who has a career in the food industry, and a discerning palette.

Although eating out isn't really a thing right at the minute (sigh!), we'll be reviewing whatever we can and ramping up the restaurant options once we can safely eat out again. A brave choice to start up a food blog at the height of a pandemic, but stick with us!

We're hoping in time to build a catalogue of the best Indian, Chinese, pizza, coffee, you name it, in Hemel and the surrounding villages.

Stay tuned for more reviews, thoughts and lists soon!

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