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Di Capri Pizza

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

As our we started our Instagram page, we asked our first few users where we should try next. Karin suggested we try Di Capri Pizza. I didn't need telling twice to get another pizza place reviewed! I must not turn this into a pizza blog... I must not turn this into a pizza blog...

Prior to the recommendation, I must say I had never heard of Di Capri - their website said their pizzas are hand tossed with 'farm fresh flavour'. The pizzas come in two sizes- 10" and 14", which I find a bit odd... 10" is a little on the smaller side of average for one person, while 14" seems to be a bit too big for one person, but too small for two. C disagrees and thinks 10" is perfect, so depends on your point of view I guess!

We both got 10": a pepperoni for me and a Norma (aubergines and basil) for C. They were both £8.50 with free delivery, which is excellent value for money.

I must say, as someone who eats a lot/too much pizza, I was really impressed. When the pizzas arrived in generic boxes (often a bad sign), my hopes weren't high. But everything about the pizza was good. The dough was a really good consistency, had the perfect amount of crunch and chew. Their claim about the ingredients was correct too. I particularly enjoyed the pepperoni slices. Often on pepperoni, the meat can feel like a bit of an afterthought, but here it was spicy, thick and clearly of good quality.

C and I both demolished the pizzas and the crusts - which I think is the ultimate sign of getting a pizza right. If the dough is only so-so, I would leave the crusts.

This is a really good 'standard' pizza. It doesn't have any bells or whistles, but then it doesn't need it. Good pizza is often about simplicity, and this one gets all the basics right to deliver a pizza you can really enjoy.

Di Capri may well become my 'safe' go to pizza place. When I'm feeling fancy I might go for calzone, sourdough or something else a bit specialist. But when I need a good midweek pizza - Di Capri is perfect.


Ordered through Just Eat, arrived promptly 30 mins later - really fast.


Really good. A really solid pizza that I enjoyed, and eat every bite of.


The sizing is a little odd, 10" isn't quite enough for me, with 14" the only other size. Although C thought 10" was perfect.


Great value at £8.50 per pizza (rising to £9.50 for their fancier choices).


GOOD - No bells, no whistles, just really solid pizza.

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