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Dalling & Co

Dalling & Co has been on our radar for our while - but mainly as a coffee and cake shop that we stop by on our weekly walk to Kings Langely. However we had heard rumours of an amazing tapas offering they do on the weekends and we really wanted to try it out. We can confirm it's bloody amazing.

Dalling started their delivery tapas during lockdown v1 and it's gone so well they plan to continue even after lockdowns are lifting. You need to order before 4pm on the day of delivery, although they suggest 24 hours notice. You can order a la carte, or go for the set menu for 2 at £40 (or 4 for £80).

In the set menu you get (deep breath): patatas bravas, chipolatas, fried haloumi, BBQ ribs, dates in bacon, padron peppers, cod loin, Spanish stew and a paella. Oh and C ordered some chicken thighs, because she's insane and thought this wouldn't be enough food. If you're thinking - that looks like a ton of food, you are absolutely right! How, (and we're not complaining) Dalling & Co looked at this amount of food and decided it would feed two people, is beyond us. For £20 each, it is exceptional value for money - as you will comfortably get a lunch of leftovers out of it. The dishes are a good size for tapas too.

The really interesting thing about Dalling & Co's tapas is that it is not particularly innovative or fancy. It is however EXACTLY as tapas should be: incredibly tasty and flavoursome as if your Mama had just whipped it up for you while you had your siesta in the Spanish sun. Every single thing in it was absolutely super. It shows that you don't need to be a culinary genius to offer meals no-one has had before - it's just about cooking things well.

Where do we start? The BBQ ribs were great - juicy and tender, with meat falling off the bone. They were spiced just right that even C (a spice wuss) found them perfectly fiery.

Dallings and co

The chipolatas came in sticky caramelised onion sauce and were also really good. The meat was juicy and the sticky caramelised onion was a perfect accompaniment. At the risk of sounding a bit repetitive the cod loin was also really exceptional - it was served on a piece of toasted garlic baguette with chorizo, after being roasted with dried herbs and fresh rosemary. Again nothing fancy, just really good ingredients cooked well. The paella was also a highlight due to the perfect texture of the rice, the gentle hum of the saffron kicking through the salty, smokey paprika and chorizo.

Dallings and co

Overall this is an amazing tapas selection, which really impressed us. Not only is the amount of food you get enormous, but you feel like every dish has been lovingly prepared and is a really treat to eat. Don't miss out on this. We'll certainly be coming back!

Service: Amazing service - we called and they were super helpful and chatty. They give you a one hour delivery window - and the food arrived hot and packaged well.


Everything in the meal felt lovingly cooked and premium. Tapas is always different depending on what is available and what family recipe the chef uses. This selection from Dalling & Co is a plethora of delicious variety all cooked lovingly and to a high standard.

Value & Price:

£40 for this much food is, frankly, nuts. You wouldn't finish it one sitting.


OUTSTANDING: A real bolt from the blue from what we first thought was only a deli and coffee shop. Throughly enjoyable, excellent value and we will be back for more. Got an itch for tapas? Try Dalling & Co.

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